“Teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 28:31), is the verse on our headed documents. There could not be a better text to define a church’s mission in this world.

Putting it another way, if you want to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ, I would like to think that Welwyn Evangelical Church is a place to which you could come with confidence.

You may be a Christian believer looking for a church in this area where you, and perhaps your family, can worship and serve Christ.

You may on the other hand want to find out about the Christian faith ‘from square one’.

Or you may be a parent who wants your child to know about Christian teaching and values.

This website is intended to tell you the kind of church we are. Please check out the pages that may interest you. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact me.

Pastor Jamie Campbell

Contact: pastor@welwyn-evangelical.org.uk