What kind of peace?
The end of war is one kind—how many are longing for that right now?
Political peace looks to the future. What price peace on the fault-line between East and West? Or in the Middle East?
Social peace is what we long for in our cities, disturbed by tensions and crime, both petty and violent.
Personal peace is something many seek—in their head, in their heart, in their life. They long for an answer to that inner turbulence we often call ‘stress’.
The peace we want
We want to be free from worry and anxiety and the pressures (perhaps the people) that cause them. We find temporary escape in down-time, rest, recreation, holidays. Too many can only find it with the help of alcohol or drugs. It is all rather temporary, rarely as effective as we would like.
Jesus Christ promised his disciples peace: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you (John’s gospel, 14:27). It was a peace that the world could not give. He commanded them not to let their hearts be troubled or afraid, though he warned them that in the world they would have trouble. Peace even in the midst of trouble! No wonder it is called a peace that is beyond understanding (Philippians 4:7).
The peace you need
The secret of this peace is that it deals with a turbulence that is deeper than stress. Our basic problem is that we are cut off from God. We have rebelled against him. In a world he created we try to live by our own rules, ignoring our Maker and his instructions. No wonder we are stressed. It is like running a petrol engine on diesel or putting gravel instead of salt into your dishwasher.
Your need is not first to relieve your personal stress but to get right with God. The Bible tells us that God was pleased through Christ to reconcile to himself all things …by making peace through the blood of his cross (Colossians 1:20). Jesus took the painful punishment of death on the cross for people like you and me to be at peace with God.
Peace with God comes first
The peace that Jesus gives is the joy of sins forgiven and eternal life. This is the peace that the world cannot give and cannot take away. This peace, once you know Jesus, is yours whatever storms may trouble you. Through faith in Jesus and turning away from your sins, you have peace with God. This is the most important peace of all.
Hear more about this wonderful peace at Welwyn Evangelical Church on Sunday 26th June at 11.00 am and 6.30 pm.
And do come along to our Summer BBQ on Saturday, June 25th.