‘He will be great…’
Any parent would thrill to have that prediction made about a baby son. Whether you think you have achieved greatness or not, to dream that your children will be great is natural enough.
Different kinds of greatness
But what is greatness? In politics, sport, entertainment, science, literature, music, art and other spheres we could name men and women we would call ‘great’.
Shakespeare gave us the famous advice, Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them (Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene 5). We may think of people in public life ‘thrust’ into positions of power and prestige who are manifestly not up to it. We can think of others who perhaps from lowly beginnings have genuinely achieved great and enduring things.
Born great?
What kind of greatness can one be born to? The prophecy ‘he will be great’ (Luke 1:32) was made by the angel Gabriel of Jesus, before he was even conceived. This wasn’t something simply to be thrust upon him, nor even something he achieved. He would be great, and that was because of who he was.
The Son of the Most High
He is the Son of God. He is unique. He is eternal. He is equal, as God, with his Father. His birth would be unique, being of a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was without sin. He was ‘holy’ in a new way. He prepared the way for God to renew creation and prepare for a new humanity.
A King
The people over whom he will reign will be God’s people, not only believers in Israel but his international church—people of all races and nations who will believe in him. Of his kingdom there will be no end (Luke 1:33).
He will indeed be great
There is no-one greater than this baby. Mere human greatness cannot begin to compare with the greatness of the Son of God. Everything he was, said and did was great for it was God saying and doing it. He had no greatness thrust upon him. In fact the opposite. He had humiliation, suffering and death thrust upon him.
He was born great, but also born to die. His name was Jesus (Saviour) because he would save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). He would take away their sins by dying on the cross as a sacrifice for them. He would establish the basis of new and eternal life by rising from the dead. To overcome death is greatness indeed. He will return one day to complete the salvation of his people and the judgment of the world. There is none greater.
Enjoy his greatness
The proud parent may bask in a child’s greatness. But the believer in Jesus Christ has far more—you are saved for eternal life by him, you enjoy his presence, strength and guidance throughout life, and you can truly worship him (far better than worshipping even the most successful child!). Consider true greatness this Christmas. Make Christ your Lord and Saviour.
Please join us for any of our Christmas meetings, or on any Sunday at 11.00 am or 6.30 pm.